The roots of "Western" civilization, culture, science, technology and religion are to be found not in Greece, but in Black Egypt and Nubia-Kush. From as early as 10,000 B.C. to 1500 A.D., Blacks were in the forefront in the development of science, culture and technology. Black empires and civilizations from the prehistoric Zingh Empire of 15,000 B.C. of Mauritania to ancient Khemet (Egypt) and Nubia-Kush, which existed about 17,000 years ago, experimented in various aspects of science and technology. Some of these sciences and technologies were so advanced that stories of flying machines and the invention of advanced machines has been passed down through ancient writings. Later Black civilizations such as Khemet and Mali experimented and created various sciences and technologies such as the chemical and mystery sciences of ancient Khemet and the surgical sciences of Mali, in West Africa. As early as about 400 B.C., a Black Pharaoh named Pi Di Amen built a model glider to conduct experiments in flight. Centuries before, the Black Egyptians had already invented gunpowder for use in their temples and mystery schools.
The mathematical and astronomical sciences necessary for high technologies such as those used in space technology and industries were first began by Blacks in Khem (Egypt) and Kush (Sudan). These sciences and high technologies were then passed on to the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites (all originally Black civilization), Greeks, Hebrews, Romans and Arabs In fact, it was the Black Sabeans of South Arabia, members of the Kushitic branch of the Black African race who established the first civilization in the Arabian Peninsula...thousands of years before the emergence of the Bedouin Arabs
Black medicinal sciences began in Khemet (ancient Black Egypt) and led to later Greek medicinal sciences. These ancient African sciences were copied by the Greeks and others from the ancient Papyrus texts composed by the ancient Khemites and Nubians.
From about 711 A.D. when the Moors, a Black people from Senegal, West Africa and Morocco, invaded Europe. They introduced Black Moorish science, technology, civilization and education to Europe and raised the Europeans from the Dark Ages of about 400 A.D. to 711 A.D. The Black Moors introduced advanced learning to Spain, similar to what had been taking place in Ghana, and at the university city of Jenne in Mali for hundreds of years. They introduced advanced learning to the cities of Toledo, Seville and Cordoba. These cities became centers of Black Moorish and European scholarship, science and culture, where Europeans and others learned new and advanced sciences, arts and technologies. That led to the European Renaissance of later years. The Black Moors introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal husbandry and other advanced disciplines to Spain and the rest of Europe. This was the catalyst which led to the European Renaissance
Compared to Africa and East Asia where the Europeans learned more technology from the Chinese such as the making of gunpowder and guns, Western and Eastern Europe, (excluding Rome, Greece, etc.) have very little history of great civilization and achievements before the Middle Ages. Africans and the Blacks of India, have had thousands of years of great contributions to world culture and civilizations. The British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Scandinavians, Germanics, Celts, Russians, Poles and many of these groups who claim "superiority" to Blacks and others, were from prehistoric times until the 1500's A.D., much less advanced economically, culturally, intellectually and scientifically as well as socially than most Black nations, kingdoms and empires during that period. From the time of the Roman conquest of Europe about 400 B.C. to the about 1200 A.D., much of Northern and Western Europe was in a stage or barbarism and backwardness. The Roman settlements and cities built by the Romans were the only areas of advanced culture
The claim by some people of racial superiority over Blacks is based on recent developments The introduction of gunpowder to Europe from China via the Arabs played a major part in elevating the Europeans to a level of military superiority. This advantage over some Africans made colonialism and the theft of African lands as well as the defeat of some African armies easier than in past eras. When the Europeans fought with sword and lance against sword and lance, their victories against Africans were few. For example, Hannibal, the African from Carthage defeated Rome's legions with as little as 15,000 men and ruled Italy for many years. However, even with modern weapons during the modern era, Europeans were sometimes soundly defeated. Nations such as the Zulus, Mossi States, Ashanti, Dahomians, Ethiopians, Herrerros and others defeated the Europeans in a number of wars and battles.
Black people were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the technological age. Mathematics, physics, astronomy, building in stone and bricks, metallurgy and all the root subjects that were necessary to push the world into today's modern age, were begun by Blacks in Egypt, Nubia-Kush, Mesopotamia, Sabea and Black Naga India. Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans and Chinese. For example, the Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries) came from the scientific discoveries of Blacks in Egypt and Nubia-Kush.
Most Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans and Chinese were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. It was during this crucial period that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made. Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans, Chinese and Black Kushite Arabs. For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives. Steel was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used. The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt
Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth
The greatest book ever written on the history of Africans and others from prehistoric times to the 1600's. Susu Economics is a complete history of African civilizations, the prehistory of planet earth and how the ancients developed civilizations throuigh trade and commerce. All the cultures listed and previewed in the "Black History Chart are included in this book and a thorough history is given. This book will inform, delight and impart knowledge. It is a fabulous work that deserves to be read and cherished. There are no pictures in this work, yet some of the pictures on this website are the only examples of the cultures and civilizations discussed in this great book. Published by 1stbooks Library,
AFRICA500,000 to 150,000 B.P. (Before Present)Homo erectus develops in Africa.150,000 B.C. to 100,000 years agoThe first Homo sapiens who were of the Black Africoid race appear at Omo region in Ethiopia.100,000 to 70,000 B.C. Africans initiate a cultural renaissance in the Congo Region and South Africa. Well crafted tools of stone and bone are created. Writing and the etching of stone is done. Red ochre is used for body paint and body decoration. Migrations to other parts of the world begin around this period.ASIANo Homo sapiens in AsiaAUSTRALIANegroid migrations to Australia beginsEUROPENo Homo sapiens in EuropeAMERICASNo Homo sapiens in the Americas------------------------------------------------------------------80,000 to 50,000 B.C.AFRICADevelopment of advanced toolmaking in parts of Africa (evicence found in Congo; 1994: South Africa 2001: age range 100,000 to 70,000 B.C.)Homo erectus enters Europe from Africa Neanderthals thrive in Africa. They migrate to Europe and AsiaAfrican "Adam and Eve," (per Mitochondrial DNA), are the first modern-like humans to migrate out of Africa. They include the various types of Black peoples:Black Australoids, Pygmoids and Negroids enter Europe, Asia, Siberia, Australia, Melanesia and the AmericasCulture begins in Africa, migrations of Africans to other parts of the worldASIAFirst Homo sapiens occupy Asia, Europe and the Americas from Africa.50,000 B.C.Grimaldi Negroids enter Europe with advanced African culture called the Aurignacian Culture. Arts such as paintings, cloth making, advanced tool making and other advanced crafts from Africa is brought to Europe, the Americas, Australia and the South Pacific/Melanesia.African Paintings of animals and scenery in Upper Paleolithic Period about 30,000 years ago.Black Australoids from Australia and proto African Blacks from the South Pacific reach South America (Brazil) and spread to the rest of the Americas.Early horticulture practiced in the Sahara. Pastoralism and hunting also practiced.-----------------40,000 B.C.AFRICAIron ore mined in Swaziland about 40,000 years ago for the purpose of making red ochre for decoration and body paint.ASIABlack Grimaldi Negroids migrate to the Middle East and Asia bringing the Aurignacian culture from Africa to Europe as wellEUROPEGrimaldi Negroids enter Europe bringing in the Aurignacian Culture. They later evolve into the Cro-magnon People after about twenty thousand years of living in the cold, damp ice and loosing the need for dark black skin.AUSTRALIA/MELANESIAAncestors of Black Australoids, Pygmies and Melanesians from the Sahara and East Africa migrate to Australia about 100,000 to 60,000 thousand years ago. Descendants of Tasmanian Blacks arrive thousands of years before. Melanesians arrive from the coast of East Africa They establish cultures throughout Asia and are the only Homo sapiens in the region. Many occupy China, India, South East Asia.--------------30,000 B.C.AFRICANegroid type dominates all Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East. This type is said to have been a more Negroid Cro-magnon, who had not been affected as yet by the Ice Age conditions which led to the change in skin complexion.Blacks bring horticulture and early agricultural practices from Africa to Melanesia, Papua New Guinea and the Region.ASIA20,000 B.C. First 'white" Cromagnon types appear in Europe among a Black population in much of the warmer parts of Europe and Asia.Pacific Blacks sail to the Americas after sailing from East Africa.First Black cultures and civilizations called the Aqutic Civilizations developin the Sahara.First evidence of a more advanced culture in the region.Blacks from Sahara sail to the Americas across the AtlanticEUROPEFirst "white" Cromagnoids appear in Europe. These homosapiens evolved from the Black Grimaldi Negroids who migrated from Africa----------------AFRICA17,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C..Beginning of Nile Valley cultures and prehistoric civilizations. Civilizations begin in Sudan and spreads down-river to the middle part of Egypt. The Delta is still covered with water.ASIABlack cultures in SW Asia, India, Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, the South Pacific and Southern China thrive. Ice Age still affects northern Asia.15,000 B.C.Zingh Empire exists in West Africa while part of Sahara is still covered with Lakes and an insland sea that supports boats and a maritime culture.Zingh Empire spreads its influence over much of the Sahara, tropical Africa and the Middle East, and establish their standard, the red, black and green flag over the entire region, (Blisshords Communications)EUROPEBlacks controle much of Europe especially southern and central part. Ice still in Northern Europe, Cromagnon and early Cacausoids in the far northern regions and north Central Europe.10,000 B.C. to 8,000 B.C. AFRICAKingdom of Ta-Seti (Nubia) reaches a peak of culture. Glass is produced, astronomy is studied, observatories are built, trade and commerce is established.Sahara and Nile Corridor continue to develop. Painting, carving, homes, monuments, early disciplines, the horse and chariot, building in stone. Neolithic culture moves on. Agriculture develops further. Some forms of metal working, making of jewelry and decorations. Buildings of towns, villages and cities begin in the Sahara and elsewhere.Sphinx built about 10,000 B.C., Year of Leo 6280 B.C.Towns and cities spread throughout Ethiopian Empire (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, Somalia, Isreal, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Mesopotamia, South Arabia, India).ASIAMongoloid race develops from combination Negroids and Caucasoids in Mediterranean region, during the Mesolithic Age. First evidence of Brachycephalic (trait found among Mongoloids and Semites.round-headed races).Trade and travel between West Asia and Africa.10,000 B.C.Great Black civilization exists in Southern India. Culture is Africoid and part of what was a great cultural region that connected the Ethiopian Empire with India.EUROPEBlack Matrilineal cultures in Sothern Europe. Worship of Black female diety (Black Virgin) in Europe. Africoids occupy vast areas of Europe. Caucasians in the Northern regions of Europe.AMERICASBlacks continue to build culture and civilization in the Americas. Washitaw Moundbuilders of the South-western U.S.Black Giants inhabit the Mississippi Region. These Africans are engaged in agriculture and maritime activity as well as trade and commerce.8000 to 4241 B.C.AFRICAKhemetic Calendar invented 6786 B.C. Civilizatons of Ta-Seti in Nubia. Natufian and Badarian Culture in Egypt, Abacus invented in Ishongo, Congo (Central Africa)Horse, elephant, donkey used in early transportation.Khemite New Year established in 4241 B.C.Improvements made in sciences, mathematics, technology, agriculture.Cities expand, trade with world and colonies established around the Mediterranean.African Khemetic New Year established in the City of On (Iunu), Egypt. Many great cities exist Nubian Kingdom of Ta-Seti Continues to thrive and prosper. Colleges, temple universities, laws and religion improves. Manufacturing trade and commerce advances.Nok Culture develops further in West AfricaAfricans with West African and Nile Corridor connections sail to the Americas and carry their calendar dated 3113 B.C., to Mexico. West African civilizations build industries trading in gold and salt, textiles, with the the Sahara and Egypt. Age-grade system of education, trade guilds and secret societies connected with trades and religions develop further.ASIAMongoloids develop further in the Northern part of Asia. Southern China occupied by Black Negritoes, Negroids and Black Australoids.AMERICASBlack cultures continue to develop in Mississippi Valley, particularly Washitaw Nation. America's population consists of Black straight-haired Australoids ( as those of India and Australian Aborigines ) see Pygmoids and Africoids from West Africa.3500 B.C. to 3000 B.C.AFRICANubian Dynasty at Qustul 3400 B.C. to 3200 B.C., War of Unity (Northern and Southern Egypt).Khemet and Nubia united. Narmer Pharaoh.Memphis (Ineb-hedj) as capital. Large magnificent temples built to Ptah at Memphis, Niet at Sau (Sais). Books on the body composedPharaoh Edimu improves stone construction. Industries, trade with Mesopotamia, India. West African civilizations expand. Gold, terracotta industries, trade, towns in Ghana, Mali areas.
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