Friday, July 16, 2010

OSIRIS - Excerpts from the Book of the Dead


  Excerpts from the Book of the Dead :

Osiris, had well over 200 divine names, including Lord of Lords, King of Kings, God of Gods, Resurrection and the Life, Good Shepherd, Eternity and Everlastingness, the god who "made men and women to be born again."
    "In ancient Egypt there were originally several gods known by the name Horus, but the best known and most important from the beginning of the historic period was the son of Osiris and Isis who was identified with the king of Egypt. 

    According to myth, Osiris, who assumed the rulership of the earth shortly after its creation, was slain by his jealous brother, Seth. The sister- wife of Osiris, Isis, who collected the pieces of her dismembered husband and revived him, also conceived his son and avenger, Horus.

    Horus fought with Seth, and, despite the loss of one eye in the contest, was successful in avenging the death of his father and in becoming his legitimate successor. Osiris then became king of the dead and Horus king of the living, this transfer being renewed at every change of earthly rule.

    The myth of divine kingship probably elevated the position of the god as much as it did that of the king. In the fourth dynasty, the king, the living god, may have been one of the greatest gods as well, but by the fifth dynasty the supremacy of the cult of Re, the sun god, was accepted even by the kings. The Horus-king was now also "son of Re." 

    This was made possible mythologically by personifying the entire older genealogy of Horus (the Heliopolitan ennead) as the goddess Hathor, "house of Horus," who was also the spouse of Re and mother of Horus. 

    Mourners at the tomb of Re-Mose, who was a Vizier under Amenophis III.


    The ritual of the opening of the mouth done by a member of the family 70 days after death.

    • Had well over 200 divine names, including Lord of Lords, King of Kings, God of Gods, Resurrection and the Life, Good Shepherd, Eternity and Everlastingness, the god who "made men and women to be born again."
    • Was a devoured Host. His flesh was eaten in the form of communion cakes of wheat, the 'plant of Truth'.
    • The 23rd Psalm copied an Egyptian text appealing to Osiris the Good Shepherd to lead the deceased to the 'green pastures' and 'still waters' of the nefer-nefer land, to restore the soul and body, and to give protection in the valley of the shadow of death...
    • The Lord's Prayer was prefigured by an Egyptian hymn to Osiris-Amen beginning, 'O Amen, O Amen, who are in heaven. Amen was also invoked at the end of every prayer.  (This is why we end each prayer by saying
    • The teachings of Osiris and Jesus are wonderfully alike. Many passages are identically the same, word for word.
    • As the god of the vine, a great traveling teacher who civilized the world. Ruler and judge of the dead.
    • In his passion, Osiris was plotted against and killed by Set and "the 72."
    • Osiris' resurrection served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal.

    "The repeated formula 'Rise up, you have not died,' whether applied to Osiris or a citizen of Egypt, signaled a new, permanent life in the realm of the dead."

    the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religionAnswer for yourself: 

      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religionHow much of our traditional Christianity comes from Egypt and we not know it?


      The cult of Osiris contributed a number of ideas and phrases to the Bible.

      Jesus' words, found in John 12:24

      "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" 

      Were taken from an Osirian doctrine that a dying man is like a corn of wheat "which falls into the earth in order to draw from its bosom a new life."' Jesus' words, recorded in 


      John 14:2,

      "In my Father's house are many mansions" 

      Came from an Osirian text telling of numerous Arits ("Mansions") in the blessed land of Father Osiris. Stories about Osiris turned up in Christian legends. Jesus' healing of a nobleman's daughter was based on a tale of an Osirian priest who cured a princesses.

      Worshippers of Osiris were promised that they would rule the spirit-souls (angels) in heaven, foreshadowing St. Paul's promise to his followers that they would rule even angels (1 Corinthians 6:3).


      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religion There were several Osirian trinities. One consisted of Osiris the father, Isis the mother, and Horus the son.  

      Another was Ra the father, Osiris the son on earth, and Horus the son rising in heaven. Another was ( 1 ) Ptah, "Opener of the Way," a phallic consort of the Virgin and the opener of her matrix; (2) Seker, representing the male spent, dead, and hidden within the female tomb-womb; and (3) Osiris, newly incarnate as the Min-phallus and standing for resurrection

      The sacred lunar numbers seven, fourteen, and twenty-eight were prominent in Osiris' cult. The lunar cycle of twenty-eight days corresponded to his descent into the underworld and ascent to heaven: fourteen days each way, or fourteen steps on his mystic Ladder. 

      Buddha's ladder of descent to earth and return to heaven also had fourteen steps. Like Buddha and Osiris, the Tibetan sage is still supposed to pass fourteen days in the after-world before encountering enlightenment in the form of "the mandala of the animal-headed deities," reminiscent of the Egyptian gods.

      We are beginning to see how even Osiris influenced Buddhism. 

      Some of these deities were named Heruka, a possible cognate of Osiris the sun, Heru-Harakhti.

      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religionLike Hindu sacred dramas, the cycle of Osirian drama seems to have been keyed to the menstrual cycle of the Goddess, incarnate in the priestess who bore the title of Divine Mother. In the month of Athyr (Hathor), Egyptian women made clay phalli as images of Osiris and threw them into the  Nile when it "turned to blood" in flood time. 

      This custom recalled the Oriental conviction that the Goddess must be menstruating at the time of her sacred marriage to the dying god. Later accounts explained Osirian lunar numbers by saying he was 28 years old at the time of his passion, or else that it took place in the 28th year of his reign on earth.

      As Lord of Death, Osiris was sometimes identified with the Great Serpent of the underworld, and sometimes painted in the same serpentine form, bent around so his toes touched his head. In Ptolemaic times the whole underworld became Osiris's province, its seven halls collectively called the House of Osiris.

      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religionBetween 1450 and 1400 B.C.E. the Osirian mystery-cult took form, with hundreds of verbal formulae for making the worshipper become an Osiris. 

      He would be born of Isis and nursed by Nephthys. He would ride across the sky "side by side with the gods of the stars." He would be as virile as Osiris-Menu: "My palm tree (penis) standeth upright and is like Menu.... 

      Therefore the Phallus of Ra, which is the head of Osiris, shall not be swallowed up." When he was in heaven, the gods themselves would bring offerings to him.


      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religion
      The Osirian Mysteries taught words of power for bringing about these desirable effects. Such words of power were "keys" to heaven, to be concealed from non-initiates as "a great mystery." 

      The Saite Recension said with such keys, a soul could pass freely through the gates, gatekeepers, guardians, heralds, inspectors, and other spirits of the heavenly mansions, for he would know all their names.

      And the Majesty of Anpu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of this door and canst thou tell it?" . . . And the Majesty of the god Anpu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of the upper leaf, and the name of the lower leaf?" On receiving the proper answers, the Majesty of the god Anpu shall say, "Pass on, for thou host knowledge, O Osiris."


      the origin of the savior god: osiris and egyptian religion
      Important for our study into the similarities of Christianity is the fact that during the first century B.C. the Osirian religion was established in all parts of the Roman Empire. 

       Its popularity declined in the end because it became too complicated for the average mind. Necessary "words of power" developed into lengthy catechisms of divine names of doorposts, lintels, bolts, panels, doorkeepers, spirits of the hour, thresholds, gods' right and left feet, etc. 

      Egyptians invented even a memory-god to bring back the spells and holy names if they were stolen by a spirit of forgetfulness. The important ceremony of "Opening the Mouth" was performed to let the dead person speak charms and words of power freely. Still, the catechisms became too long and complex to be remembered.

      Osiris Book of the Dead:

      CHAPTER 167 - Formula to bring forth the sacred eye of Re by the soul of N.:

      The text that Kha-em-Ouast, (the son of Ramses II) found in a holy book, (west of Memphis), is more valuable than any vases of treasure. It had been made in the portal of fire.
      The Book of 'The One whose nature is mysterious(!)', found by Amenhotep son of Hapou, gave protection to all his family…
      • O (Amon), the bull of fire, who makes the stones explode with his fiery breath; the god whose shape is hidden, whose image is secret, the one in the Douat who conceals mysteries and controls the entire earth, there is nothing that exists without your knowledge. I am one of your descendents………..
      • O, One whose eye is a flame which protects him against the gods; he hides during the day from his enemies in his great disk of fire. Great Soul, the god of the rising of the sun, resplendent, your two sacred eyes are the mysterious solar disk, which is transformed on the horizon of the sky, ruling it for ever.

      CHAPTER 168 - Worship of Osiris by the soul of Osiris N:
      • Rise up Osiris, soul of Re that gave back your form,
      • Rise up, those in the sanctuary, Re will lead you toward your boat.
      • Rise up Osiris, whose heart beats no more, and who praises Re.
      • Rise up Amon, whose body is hidden, (the eldest son of Re).
      • Rise up Osiris! Re offers you his hands and Ptah protects you.
      • Rise up Osiris, your two sisters Isis and Nephtys prostrate themselves before you.
      • Rise up, the one whose mysteries are hidden; who illuminates the Douat with the light of his eyes.
      • Rise up Orion, master of life! Your son Horus gives you his scepter Djam.
      • Rise up child Khepri, the offspring of Nout and Re.
      • Rise up Thou rich in adornments! Temples contain your hidden picture.
      • Rise up eldest of elders, the great, victorious Osiris! Maat is with you; Isis is your protection.
      • Rise up, god of many forms! The earth has your image and your mummy, and the sky is filled with your divine soul-star.
      • Rise up, O Eternal One who surrounds the earth…… All beings are cradled in your arms…

      CHAPTER 170 - The words to say to salute the soul of Osiris N.:
      Thot himself comes to you bearing the Book of holy words; he raises his hand towards the horizon, towards the place that your Ka desires. He did this for Osiris on the night that he departed his life.
      • Ah! Osiris N., Atoum, the father of the gods has been established firmly for all eternity.
      • Ah! Osiris N. you are a god who was undergone many transformations; your form is perfect, (more so than that of the gods). Your radiance is greater than that of those in bliss; your power is greater than that of the dead.
      • Ah Osiris N., 'Ptah-who is above-the-wall' raises you to a place higher than that of the gods.
      • Ah! Osiris N., you are Horus, the son of Osiris, who gave birth to Ptah, who was created by Nout.
      • You shine like Re on the horizon when he lights up the two countries of his beauty. All the gods say "Welcome, come see your spiritual wealth in the land of eternity ".
      • (Osiris N.) I am the heir to the heavens, the companion of He who created light.

      CHAPTER 172 - The way to transfiguration in the empire of the dead:

      I am pure, and pure are the works of praise which come forth from my mouth.
      The soul of Osiris N. is very beautiful. Ptah and all the gods praise him, and each goddess says:
      • your beauty is like the pillar of Ptah in its perfection.
      • Ah, yes, you have been put down! You put on the garment and took off the garment. You were one of the objects of the fishing and hunting parties at the Great Castle. When you mounted upon ORION, Nout welcomed you into his arms.
      ORION, (The son of Re), and Nout (who brought the gods into the world) speak thus to one another.
      • On the great day when he will be glorified, N. will be on the lips of all children. Rise up, N. and hear your praises

      CHAPTER 173 - Horus salutes his father Osiris. Many praises to Osiris by N.
      • I adore you, lord of the gods. The one and only God, who lives in the truth; this is your son Horus.
      • I bring true sayings to your Ennead, so that I may be among your true devotees.
      • Osiris, I am your son, come to glorify your soul, and to give you even more power.

      Extracts from the Book of the Dead - additionnal chapters
      CHAPTER 174 - The words to allow the spirit of Akh to leave the great door of the heavens:

      The words of Anubis: Oh, One and Only true God, who has no equal; whose sacred eyes let you see all, and whose ears hear everything, express the symbols of life-force, as did Nefertoum. You, who knows the thoughts of the unhappy men in his heart and responds to their call, (as in the chapel at Karrak, where he was called "He who replies to the unfortunate."

        CHAPTER 175 - Words to ensure one does not die again

        Words of Osiris N.:Oh, Atoum, why must I go into the desert, and live without water or air? It is so dark there and seems endless; (Periods of disorder at Herackeopolis). Atoum replies:

        You shall live there in bliss; there one lives in glory and has no need of water, air, bread nor beer.I will see the face of the Master of all; but how long will my life last there?Your life will be millions of years long and this land will return to the state of Noun, to the floods which were there at the beginning. I shall destroy everything I have created.

        When I am transformed again into a snake, (which men cannot see), I shall stay beside Osiris. I have performed many beautiful acts for Osiris, more than for any other God. I gave him the desert region of the necropoli. I prepared his place in the "barque of the people", and I made his son Horus the heir to throne in the island of flames.- But will the soul of his wicked brother, Seth, (the symbol of evil), be sent to the West, unlike all the other gods? Atoum replies " :

        I have arranged for his soul to remain a prisoner in his barque, so that the divine body will be protected"  The sound of praise spreads out over Herackeopolis.Osiris appears as Re, (having inherited the throne). Osiris says to Atoum:   Oh, Lord of All, let the people, the blessed and the dead come to me, after you have given them fear and respect for my prestige, and let them fear Seth no more.

        "You have done very well, better than any other. Osiris replies:I have done it by means of the WORDS that came from my mouth.
        Extracts from the Book of the Dead - additionnal chapters

        CHAPTER 180 - Formula to restore souls to life :

        Words said by N.:
        "Oh Re who lives in Osiris" in all his glorious manifestations of the blissful gods of the west. The one form of the mystery of the Douat, the holy soul of the west.

        Your face is serene, Oh indweller of the Douat!

        Your son Horus is content with you and you have made him appear in glory to the inhabitants of the Douat as a great star, which belongs to the Douat and passes into the son of Re, the descendent of Atoum.

        Mourners scream for you, they hit their hands and moan, but you, your soul exults and your body is glorious…

        Oh Osiris, you made me appear as a great star that brings all its wealth to the Douat. I have power over the darkness and I enter there, and leave. I have strengthened the scepter-djam of Orion and the headpiece of The One whose name is secret.

        I am the heir of Osiris who received his headpiece in the Douat. I am the successor of Re, and I am the mysterious pheonix. I am the one that travels the lower sky, following Re. I judge like Thot, I go with my heart filled with the dignity of 'The One whose possessions are Secret' in my appearances as the double god.

        CHAPTER 181 - Formula to enter into the divine assembly of Osiris:
        Words said by the soul of N. : I salute you Osiris, who presides over the west; you appeared in glory as Re. He came to see you, being delighted with your beauty,:
        • his solar disk is YOUR solar disk,
        • his rays are your rays,
        • his forms are your forms
        • his beauty is your beauty;
        • his knowledge is your knowledge

        - I greet you Osiris, son of Nout, for whom Atoum created prestige in the hearts of men, of gods, of the blessed, and to whom has been given the scepter of Heliopolis and many transformations.

        You are the possessor of great renown in the divine palace at Abydos, striking fear throughout the earth. Prince of the gods of the Douat, governor of the living, king of the dead, whom thousands (of souls) glorify at Kher-aha.

        Your sisters Ises and Nephthys come to you to fill your heart. With love for you they will enclose everything in their arms and reunite for you all the gods and the kas. They will adore you eternally...

        Extracts from the Book of the Dead - additionnal chapters
        CHAPTER 182 - Formula to make the heart beat, that beats no more:
        I am Thot, the excellent scribe with unblemished hands, the one that chases away pain and writes only the truth; I protect the Master of the universe.

        I am in charge of the laws which were written to govern the two banks (of the Nile)… I am Lord of precision, the impartial witness of gods, who gives importance to the word so that it is venerated.

        I proclaim just the voice which is silenced. I make Re rest in Osiris, and Osiris in Re…I am Thot, the one who announces the dawn, who has a perfect vision of the future.

        I am Thot, who directs the sky, the earth and the Douat, and created human life.
        I salute you, chief of the gods of the West, who redirects human beings back into the world, and they return rejuvenated.

        They are more beautiful than before…
        After being justified by Osiris N. : you are living, renewed, rejuvenated, just as is Re every day!

        CHAPTER 183 - Homage of Osiris N. to the great Osiris :
        He says: I come to you, Osiris, son of Nout, who governs over eternity. I am the descendent of Thot, who brought you soft breezes, life and lets your beautiful face prevail. The north wind comes to you from Atoum, O Master of the sacred Country. He made the solar light shine on you and it has illumined for you the path of darkness.
        Oh Osiris, your son Horus was proclaimed just before the Ennead, earthly royalty was given to him, and his ureus, was the entire earth.
        The throne of Geb was assigned to him and the exalted duty of Atoum was written on a block of quartzite, according to the order of your father Ptah-Tatenen, who is on the great throne…
        Happy are those who respect the God (Osiris) who is at Abydos, in the original nome.
        I come to you, my hands bearing the truth, with a heart empty of lies and falsehood. I come before Maat because I know that I did not commit any injustices in this land, I have not injured anyone.
        I am Thot, the Master of exactitude, who asserts the rights of those whose voice has been silenced. I am the protector of the weak and of those who suffer.

        CHAPTER 192 - All Glory to Osiris :

        Oh Osiris N. , alive again; rejuvenated, there is nothing amiss where ever you go… You come with the day, you love the light and god comes to rest where you are.

        The Dual doors of the other world are open for you; the doors of the Hidden Kingdom are broken down for you. The doormen rejoice at your coming and say:

        Enter, well favored one, and leave here well beloved… The blameless glorify you and those who are in the kingdom accompany you, Oh Osiris that rules over the west, Osiris N.,

          HOTEP SANKOFA*






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